Friday, December 21

PolState Endorse Edwards

From The PolState Endorsement: John Edwards, arguer-in-chief

With Al Gore not running - a smart man generally right about the big picture and the future of the future - John Edwards gets the nod as the best candidate out there.
There’s a lot that’s gone wrong in the last almost-eight years, most at the urging and the behest and the whimsy of President George W. Bush. He made me far more a partisan as my brain went running and screaming away from most anything he set his mind to accomplish. I cringed as he took advantage of tragedy after tragedy to further deeply damaging schisms in the foundation of a once great country. If there were any good ideas in this presidency there was no way I trusted the motivations or that once begun it wouldn’t be completely bolloxed up by the president and his Branch Divideans.

That damage, often drowning in legalese, semantics and sub-clauses needs someone who can argue better than anyone else. Getting elbow-deep in the intricacy of the laws is John Edwards’ bailiwick. There’s no one else that I would trust more to roll back the signing statements and laws that has made the country a pantomime mockery of democracy.

He’s used to tackling companies with big wallets and big-mouthed spokespersons. In this area he’ll be a leader. In deploying troops he will be wise, cautious even, as if he had served himself.

More at PolState

Mea Culpa PolState

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I appreciate the notice taken of the Polstate endorsement, which I wrote, I can't endorse your wholesale lifting of the entire post with or - especially - without permission.

Two or three paragraphs or limited excerpts is the usual way to link back to the original source. If you can fix that, it would be great. If you want to write for, even better.

- Temple Stark
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