Monday, December 10

Move over Oprah Factor--Bring on the Bacon

Mea Culpa. The other day I said that Ms. Oprah Winfrey is "arguably the most popular woman"

I was wrong. At least according to People Magazine who rates by 'The most buzzed about stars this minute".

It seems in their world, Oprah is no better than #11 among all celebrities and #8 among female ones. Of course this might change at any moment, so check it out now.

Now based on Q Score and The Celebrity Trust Index, Oprah does a whole lot better:

According to this article: "She’s known by 98 percent of people surveyed by Davie Brown — and by 100 percent of the women. When people are asked whether they believe she is an “influence in today’s world,” she beats everyone else on the list. And only two people are rated higher as a more effective product endorser: Tom Hanks (who sits atop just about any list that Ms. Winfrey doesn’t) and Will Smith.

The Q Score is another celebrity rating system used by marketers. It’s produced by New York-based company Marketing Evaluations. The Q Score survey asks people to identify their absolute favorite personalities. On that scale, Ms. Winfrey ranks below Tom Hanks and Will Smith and at about the same level as Tiger Woods, said Harry Schaefer, executive vice president for Marketing Evaluations.

She’s most popular among women, and black women in particular, he said. And she’s a bit more popular in the south and Midwest than on the coasts. But her appeal crosses evenly among the rich and the poor, he said."

I understand that Tom Hanks has donated to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But Tom, if you are reading the blog (yeah, like my Q Score would even register with Mr. Forrest Gump), seriously, give Seth Green and Ben Stiller a call--they are supporting John Edwards. Oh, and, this I love, Kevin Bacon supports John Edwards--and who isn't related to Kevin Bacon by no more than six degrees of separation?--C'mon Tom, you were in Apollo 13 with Kevin!

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