Friday, December 21

Happy Holidays

As many intrepid Iowans flood the airports and highways of our great nation and make their way to family members near and far, some of us will be making phone calls and doing our best to encourage people to Caucus (although some of us [and I hope it is none] won't be doing it on Christmas).

It is a job that, if anyone is honest about it, is painful. All of us know the stress that the holidays can bring. It is hard not to be sensitive to the notion that people want to celebrate Christmas and really aren't too happy to be bothered with politics. But then there is always the chance, as happens every day, that the person you talk to really appreciates what you have to offer, a free ticket to make a difference.

What happens in Iowa on January 3rd matters. The ripple effect caused by the outcome of the caucus can catapault a candidate forward and leave others in the dust. And it is important. After two terms with a President that has changed the fabric of American life, I hope everyone has the sense that we can do better.

I'm sure every candidate and their supporters has a win in Iowa on their Christmas wish list.

For all the campaign workers and volunteers Democrat and otherwise, it is good to remember that despite our differences, we have great privilege to live in a country, that despite all its problems, always holds out hope for what it can become. Whether we agree about method, I think the thing that hold us all together as "activists" is the ideals that the season brings to bear--peace on earth, goodwill to man(kind).

Be Well, Do Well. Happy Holidays.

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