Monday, December 17

Loebsack to Endorse Obama

From the AP

U.S. Rep. David Loebsack on Monday will announce his endorsement of Barack Obama's bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Loebsack, in his first term representing Iowa's 2nd District, said he would do "everything I can" to aid Obama in the approaching Iowa caucuses.

"We're incredibly fortunate this year to have this field of candidates," Loebsack said in a telephone interview. "There is one candidate who stands out and that's why I'm backing Obama."

Loebsack planned to announce his endorsement after a speaking engagement in Des Moines before returning to Washington, where Congress is still in session.

Loebsack was a professor at Cornell College and a veteran Democratic activist who ousted veteran Republican Rep. Jim Leach in last year's election in a race that was marked by mutual respect and few insults.

"I think we've got to have a leader who can bring all Americans together for a single purpose," said Loebsack.

He conceded that the value of such endorsement is questionable, given that Iowans traditionally make up their own minds in caucus campaigns.

"I'm new to this. I'm not sure what it means, but I'll do everything I can to help," he said.

His decision means all three of Iowa's Democratic congressmen have endorsed a presidential candidate, and all have chosen a different one. Rep. Leonard Boswell has endorsed New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, while Rep. Bruce Braley has backed former Sen. John Edwards.

Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin has said he will remain neutral in the contest, as has Gov. Chet Culver.

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