Friday, December 28

Still Undecided? Why Not "Ask John"

The John Edwards campaign announced the “Ask John” program -- giving undecided Iowans the opportunity to ask questions about any issues that concern them and get answers before they caucus. With just one week to go before caucus night, the program reflects Edwards’ commitment to discussing his bold, specific agenda directly with Iowa caucus goers and answering their questions about the issues that are important to them.

“I believe that anyone running for president has an obligation to listen to the voices of regular people and answer their questions directly,” Edwards said. “In these final seven days, I want every Iowan who has a question to know exactly where I stand and what I’ll do to take on the special interests and give middle class Americans a voice in Washington.”

While other candidates are sending out-of-state surrogates to counties the candidates themselves have never seen, Edwards is making the commitment to respond to questions from Iowans in all 99 counties. Edwards is the only candidate in the race who has visited and answered questions in every county in Iowa. The campaign designed the “Ask John” program to answer as many questions as possible, from as many places in Iowa as possible, in the final days before the caucuses.

“I strongly believe that whether you’re from Des Moines or Harlan, every caucus goer deserves to hear from each candidate about what that person will do as president to fix the broken system in Washington that puts corporate interests ahead of working Americans,” Edwards said.

Undecided Iowa caucus goers can "Ask John" in one of three ways:

1) At events during Edwards' on-going 38 county tour

2) Through a new Web site the campaign launched today --

3) By calling Edwards' Iowa Campaign Headquarters at (515) 288-0766

The “Ask John” program will allow Edwards to answer questions from all 99 counties -- an extension of his status as the only candidate who has personally answered questions from Iowans in all 99 counties. As part of the campaign’s focus on undecided voters, Edwards’ wife, Elizabeth, and senior campaign staff members will also answer questions by phone and email -- including organizing special phonebanks to answer questions from "Ask John" questioners.

The campaign will ensure that every questioner receives a response by caucus night.

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