Monday, December 17

Tell Grassley and Harkin No to Telecom Immunity

Today, the Senate started debate on S. 2248 -- the FISA Amendments Act of 2007. The bill now exists in two versions -- one that was reported out of the Intelligence Committee and one that was offered as an alternative by the Judiciary Committee. The worse of the two -- the Intelligence Committee version, containing retroactive "telecom immunity" -- is the one that will come up first.

Please call your U.S. senators now and urge them to STOP THE INTEL-PASSED S. 2248.

Sen. Charles Grassley
Phone: (202) 224-3744

Sen. Tom Harkin
Phone: (202) 224-3254

Please keep in mind that this legislation is strongly supported by the Bush-Cheney administration. Prioritize your calls accordingly -- for instance, if you have one senator who is a staunch right-wing ally of the administration and one who is a Democrat, you probably want to make sure you call the Democrat first.

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