Sunday, December 16

Iowa's First Lady Backs John Edwards

Iowa's first lady, who had said she would stay neutral in the presidential
race, has changed her mind and plans to endorse Democrat John Edwards

"I decided to join in the fray," Mari Culver said in an interview today.

Culver said her husband, Gov. Chet Culver, will not endorse anyone, and she
said her stance does not imply that he supports Edwards. "If the governor
wanted to show a preference for a candidate, he would do so," she said. "My
endorsement is as Mari Culver, Iowan. ... I'm my own person. I have my own
political interests."

Mari Culver's predecessor as first lady, Christie Vilsack, endorsed
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry before the 2004 caucuses, which he won.

Edwards, who also ran for president that year, said in an interview today
that he believes Vilsack's endorsement helped Kerry. "She campaigned with
him, did a number of events with him, and I think it gave some energy and
momentum to his campaign."

Edwards said he hopes Culver's backing will help him the same way. "It's a
big boost, and I'm proud to have her," he said. "She cares about children,
families, battered women - a lot of the issues I care deeply about."

Culver, who like Edwards is an attorney, said she met him at a conference in
2001 and was immediately impressed by his intellect and accomplishments as a
trial lawyer and as a U.S. senator from North Carolina. She said she agrees
with his plans to fight poverty and to reform health care, and she thinks he
offers Democrats the best chance to take back the White House.

"I think John is a winner. He's electable," she said. "He's been tested.
He's been on the national ticket before. The national polls show him beating
all Republicans in the general elections. He inspires me. I think he
inspires other Iowans, and I think he can really rally Americans in the

Culver said she and her husband sometimes differ on whom to support. In
2004, she caucused for Edwards, who finished second in Iowa and went on to
be the party's vice-presidential candidate. Chet Culver, who was secretary
of state, did not back a candidate.

Mari Culver said she will endorse Edwards at a rally in Des Moines at noon
Monday, and she plans to appear at other events. "I've got two little
kiddies at home, and with the holidays coming up, that's going to control my
schedule," she said. "But I do expect to do anything they ask that works
with my schedule."

News of her pending endorsement came on the same day Edwards lost out in the
competition for The Des Moines Register's endorsement. The paper's editorial
page backed him in 2004, but picked Hillary Clinton today. When asked for
his reaction, Edwards was diplomatic. "Congratulations to Senator Clinton,"
he said. "The Register's a great newspaper that has a great editorial

Mari Culver's Statement:

Iowans have an important decision to make on January 3. I - like all of you - have carefully examined and considered the candidates and their positions.

I have enjoyed getting to know each of the candidates and their families and value the friendships I've made along the way. I applaud and appreciate the great public discourse each of them have shared with our state and the nation and their public service which has so greatly contributed to our democratic process.

Like you, however, I must select only one candidate to stand with on Thursday, January 3.

That is why today, I announce my support for John Edwards for President.

There are many reasons why I am supporting John Edwards.

First, John is a great person and a gifted public servant, with a very compelling personal story. John was born of modest means - so modest in fact that his father had to borrow money to pay the hospital bill for John's birth. But he and his parents scraped and worked hard.

You know, John Edwards has never forgotten where he came from. It is the source of his passion for fighting for the middle class, for hardworking American families.

One more thing about John Edwards the person. He has an incredible partner, his wife Elizabeth. She has earned the respect and admiration of the country with her courage, her advocacy and her decency. She is an amazing woman, the mother of 4 kids, and a great asset to John. And I know a little something about the importance of a solid team in political life!

Second, John Edwards is right on the issues that matter most. He has a vision to put America back on track, with a detailed plan to make it happen. For example, he was the first candidate to offer a proposal for universal health care for all Americans. And he is the first candidate in my adult life to make it his cause to eliminate poverty in America.

As some of you know, I have tried to advocate for those who struggle mightily in this state รข€“ specifically the women and their children who live in emergency shelters - who because of lack of education, lack of employment or opportunity and lack of affordable housing have nowhere else to turn. John Edwards has done the same thing across the country. He has been a true leader on those issues about which I - and so many Americans - care so much.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, I believe John Edwards can win! Not just the caucuses, but the general election too. In fact, recent national polls show John will beat every one of the Republican candidates in the general election. Without a doubt, he is electable.

John can win because he inspires the best in people. His message has always been rooted in optimism and opportunity and lifting up people. I believe Americans are ready to rally behind a President who inspires us to our very best.

I'm honored to support John Edwards. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work on his behalf and I respectfully ask Iowa Democrats to join me in caucusing for John Edwards on January 3. Please encourage your friends and family to do the same.


Mari Culver

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