Tuesday, December 4

Barbecued Fish See Red in Muscatine

Sort of a "news of the odd" story, but not so good if you are a fish...

From the Gazette

The DNR investigated a complaint about red water in Mud Creek below the Heinz USA food plant in Muscatine Tuesday morning. They found varying degrees of red in the stream and stressed fish, with some fish lying on their sides.

They also found the cause: an equipment malfunction at the plant which allowed barbecue sauce to travel down a rooftop, into the rain gutters, down the rain spout and into nearby Mud Creek.
The bizarre spill happened about 8:15 a.m. Tuesday when de-aerators that normally pull air out of the barbecue sauce malfunctioned and pulled barbecue sauce out the roof vents.

Plant officials estimate at least 500 gallons were “spilled” before equipment could be shut down.
Barbecue sauce has relatively high levels organic materials which quickly deplete the stream of oxygen as the sauce begins to decompose. Fish can become stressed or die under these low oxygen conditions.

“Although this seems like a relatively innocuous product, foods and other biodegradable products can be deadly to aquatic life,” said Paul Brandt, an environmental specialist with the DNR. The spill discolored the stream for less than half a mile between the plant and the Mississippi River, but the stream water was much clearer by Tuesday afternoon.

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