Tuesday, December 4

Chicken or the Egg: Homelessness and Mental Illness

The NY Times reports that "a continuing survey of more than 1,000 residents of New Orleans and surrounding areas, found that 17 percent of people in the city reported signs of serious mental illness in the month after the disaster, compared with 10 percent in surrounding areas. The estimated prevalence of such problems in the general population is 1 to 3 percent in any month."

How is is this relevant to those who are homeless? Conventional wisdom says that people become homeless because, among other factors, they are mentally ill. What this study shows is that traumatic events, such as losing one's home, can also lead to serious mental illness.

It is something to think about. Come to "Mental Health & Persons Who Are Homeless," a panel dicussion co-sponsored by the Johnson County Coordinating Board, FAIR! and the Iowa City Human Rights Commission

Iowa City Public Library
Meeting Room A
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
7:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m.

Join us for a discussion on mental health and persons who are homeless. Panelists include University of Iowa Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, William Liu; Co-Clinical Director of the Mental Health Clinical Research Center at UIHC, Frank Fleming; Shelter House Director, Crissy Canganelli; Clinical Services Manager, 6th Judicial District Department of Correctional Services, Malinda Lamb, PhD, LISW, CCJP, and President of The National Alliance on Mental Illness—Johnson County, Peg Loveless. Moderated by Garry Klein of the FAIR!

The program will be recorded by City Channel 4. Audience questions will be taken at the end of the discussion. The event is free and open to the public.

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