Wednesday, January 2

The Iowa Caucus Is Unfair but Democratic

As the NY Times points out today, the Iowa caucuses are not fair to some. For example, Iowans serving in the military, people lying in hospital beds, and service and manufacturing workers who work night shifts are not going to be at the caucuses. They have no way to be heard except from their co-workers or veterans or healthy people who show up and speak their piece. Folks without child care or transportation are at a definite disadvantage, although the campaigns certainly try their darndest to get people to the polls, if they need a lift or a babysitter.

As we become, increasingly, a society that lives vicariously watching other Americans become "Idols" or at arms length from the realities we face reading the news via the Web, the Iowa Democratic Caucus is often thought of as quaint;

"Imagine, Clara, those huckleberries bundling up and going out to huddle together in the gymnasium while they are counted like chicks in a henhouse. Then, waiting around while some complicated mathematical formula is frittered with to award delegates to the county convention. And then, don't you know, some folks don't count at all, because their group is 'unviable,' whatever to Jesus on Crutches that means."

The Iowa Democratic Caucus, for some, may be thought of as akin to one of those fuddy-duddy catalogs that comes to your house sometime before the holidays that offers things like hand-tapped Vermont maple syrup and lace-collared flannel nightgowns.

The Caucus is "old-timey," imperfect, and unfair, but at least on the Democratic side, you get to see democracy in all its imperfect glory at work as friends and neighbors try to button-hole others into supporting their candidate. It is where the marketplace of ideas meets the social network and it is an oh so gooey melange of humanity and ideology.

Feelings get hurt, rivalries are renewed, revenge for past sins are exacted, and opinions are swayed with folksy logic. And that is what makes it so worthwhile. Politics usually are like the weather, everybody complains about them, but no one does anything. This is the place where we let down our societal hair and let people really know what the usually silent, polite, and perhaps even reserved, minority of the majority is thinking.

During this eyelash length of time, we are doing what politicians promise us they will do for us. We are fighting for them. We are their hope. We are real change. They can't be ready on Day One without us.

Many people think that the media has too much power in who gets elected. Others believe it is money. But I believe it is lack of participation. Politics talks about inclusiveness, but the power seems to go to a relative small number of people. Caucuses are a place where anyone can be a player, just by showing up.

In the perfect world, it can be conjectured, there would be a national primary day. Everyone would get their chance to go to the polls and vote. But imagine where that would leave us? Candidates would have to amass much more money just to participate or clean election/campaign finance laws would have to be revised to let more kids in the pool. And what about our participation in the process--shouldn't we have more say than giving money or time to a candidate?

So for now and, I hope, forever, on a very cold night in a state with slightly more than 3 million people, 6 to 12% of registered voters, many of them the same folks who pestered others to come out and caucus, will go to their local schools, fire houses, and other civic buildings. They will rise up and become "the deciders." It won't be pretty, it isn't fair, but it is representative democracy done in an increasingly arcane way:face-to-face by people wearing a candidate's sticker on their chests and their hearts on their sleeves.


Anonymous said...

Illegal Immigration, Huckabee and the 2008 Election

This is basically the gist of Huckabee's immigration plan touchback provision:

He would repeal the multi-year baring of illegals to re-enter the U.S. for illegals who register during a 120-day period with Homeland Security and temporarily exit the country (for only a few days, at most). It is also highly likely that many would not even leave the country but would be allowed to go to their nearest consulate on American soil for paperwork.

They would face no penalty if they apply to immigrate back to U.S. (they'd be back in within just days). He would not utilize the current legal immigration law process for immigration to the U.S. but would set up special processing for these ‘special case formerly illegal’ immigrants. He also would reward these lawbreakers (and their law-breaking employers) by allowing the aliens to keep the very jobs they broke into the country and took. He wants them back in quick to slide back into the same jobs they had before their quick exit and return (touchback).

Huckabee will utilize every trick in the book to legalize illegal aliens. He's just a bit more deceptive, shifty and crafty in how he hides the fact that he will provide amnesty. By all means, don't take my word on this if you are skeptical. Dig deep on Huckabee and look at the man behing the curtain. I'm betting you won't really care for what you see.

Huckabee has stated that our economy would collapse without the presence of illegal aliens here. Really? My oh did we manage to survive as a nation and grow our economy these past two centuries and well into the 1970's before the accelerated mass entries of illegal aliens? In 1986, our spineless Congressmen and Senators decided instead of dealing with the problem, they'd just give amnesty to the illegals so their incompetence, corruption, greed and dysfunction could be just swept under the rug. Then in 2007, they tried the same thing, but this time an educated, forceful, awake and fed up public citizenry stopped them in their tracks. Now their tookus is in a sling as they don't know what to do, so basically they are doing what they've been doing over the last 30 years...nothing as far as border security and immigration enforcement.

2008 is a pivitol year, likely even a tipping point, in the history of America. Will we continue to be a strong, sovereign nation ruled by law or will we let the invasion continue until America's slide into anarchy is unstoppable?

We need to elect a leader as President who will protect the value of U.S. citizenship, work for the citizens of America, fiercely protect our sovereignty, stop the march to globlism and the formation of the NAU, and solve our illegal immigration problem. That does not involve granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Huckabee is not your man if you care for those issues. Neither is McCain, Ghuliani or any of the Democrats.

Just remember to pick a candidate to support not on what they say they will do but on what they have actually done.

For further information regarding Huckabee’s deception and his true intentions, please visit these links:

Leaders Converge on Iowa to Expose Huckabee

84 Leaders Rebuke Gilchrist Endorsement of Huckabee

Huckabee & Gilchrist Touchback Amnesty Scandal Escalates

Mike Huckabee’s Shamnesty for Illegal Aliens

Iowa Republican’s Reject Huckabee Immigration 6 to 1!

The Huck-a-Bust is Coming

Will the Real Mike Huckabee Please Stand Up

Huckabee Liberal on Immigration

Anonymous said...

Watch this video, then tell me what you think.

He's not running any negative ads. He just shows you who he is, and what he stands for. He says what he means and means what he says.