Sunday, January 20

Edwards Campaign In Foreclosure?

After a less than sterling performance in the Nevada caucus last night, John Edwards' campaign team has got to be asking, "what the @#$%^& happened?" As Senator Edwards himself said, he hopes "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," admitting, "I got my butt kicked." And with South Carolina polling showing Edwards lagging far behind Clinton and Obama and even his best state supporter saying he needed to win Nevada to stay viable, it appears that Edwards could be another odd man out in what has now been clearly painted as a two person race by the press and perhaps by the voters (The campaign has not released the results of whether a $7 million dollar goal for web fund-raiser that was held on Friday for public election matching funds).

However the official word from the campaign about the future primaries is: we're in them to win them (delegates, that is)--or words to that effect.

"John Edwards is the underdog in this campaign, facing two $100 million candidates. But that is nothing compared to the real underdogs in our country – working men and women, middle class families, and all those who have no voice in Washington.

The race to the nomination is a marathon and not a sprint, and we're committed to making sure the voices of all the voters in the remaining 47 states are heard. The nomination won't be decided by win-loss records, but by delegates, and we're ready to fight for every delegate. Saving the middle class is going to be an epic battle, and that's a fight John Edwards is ready for."

With the economy showing strong signs of more severe tanking, Edwards' message may yet be heard above the din, but it will have to drown out the sounds of a death knell by the press of his campaign. If any "kid" needs a "comeback", John Edwards is it.

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