Friday, January 25

Kucinich Heads for the Sidelines

Dennis Kucinich is the latest casualty in the "War for the White House" (my own moniker--clever, no? Gark comment: Apparently not so much, the Onion with their scab writers beat me to it--thanks CR). The six-termer from Ohio decided that it wasn't his time--that or he is actually concerned about fighting for his seat in Congress.

For more coverage of Dennis Kucinich, go to the Openers blog.

"I want to continue to serve in Congress," the six-term congressman told the Cleveland Plain Dealer. "There is a point at which you just realize that you, look, you accept it, that it isn't going to happen and you move on."

If you wondered about the New Hampshire recount that Rep. Kucinich instigated, go here.


Anonymous said...

"War for the White House" (my own moniker--clever, no?)

The Onion beat you to it.

Gark said...

Damn those Onion skins--I should have known professional writers would beat me to it--hey wait, why aren't they on strike?

Two retractions in one week, what's a blogger to do.