Monday, January 14

Half Court Press: Edwards Now Odd Man Out

The media has done a wonderful job of covering John Edwards since Iowa--NOT!--So says FAIR.

As many of the lesser supported candidates in Iowa experienced, if you are not number 1 or 2, you are not in the conversation.

And, in the hurry to move the conversation from three top candidates to a race to coronate Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, there is no room for a third.

The highlight of the Q & A peiod in South Carolina was when Edwards was asked about why he doesn't get as much media coverage as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

"I've been trying that for a year and it hasn't worked yet," said an exasperated Edwards. "It's a tough challenge, you know."

He then pointed to the media. "There they are," he said. "Talk to them."

The Project for Excellence in Media reported that from the git go, Edwards has received much less coverage than the media-driven machines that HRC and BHO have put together.

Is it because he challenges the corporations that hold the keys to the executive washrooms for major media? That certainly can be seen as one story line. More likely, media will ignore him unless he wins a highly touted primary.

Edward's Campaign senior advisor, Joe Trippi said "The more the press continues to focus on these two people [Obama and Clinton] and how its all about them, the rest of the country is saying please tell us there is somebody else," Trippi said.

1 comment:

Third Rail said...

Check out this article, it outlines a strategy on how the Edwards campaign could defeat Hillary Clinton. Check it out at