Thursday, January 10

Richardson Out: Then There Were Five

With Governor Bill Richardson calling it quits, the Democrats pool of job applicants is down to five--well three really, but you never know with politics which way the wind will blow--Mike Gravel could still be that voice of change that just hasn't caught fire.

However with Richardson out of the race, the next question is will his support be negotiated for a position in the next administration or will he run for senator in New Mexico, my bet is both. Hillary Clinton's camp would likely extend an offer, but who wouldn't want a politico of Richardson's capabilities on their team?

Meanwhile, its a pass on Michigan for the Dems (although Clinton's, Kucinich's, and Gravel's names appear on the ballot--Note to Mike Gravel, here's your chance to get the "Big Mo" working your way) then on to Nevada and South Carolina.

As it now appears, the next cut will take place after February 5th. If John Edwards' campaign can't claim a win by then, the money will likely dry up and it will be time to call it a day. However, if it turns into a three person race, it will be much more interesting.

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