Wednesday, January 16

Tell Congress: We Want Labels on Cloned Meat

From the good folks at True Majority

You may have been discouraged to hear yesterday that the FDA gave the green light for companies to sell meat from cloned animals. The real news? It has probably already been on our shelves for years.

For years, the FDA has asked major cattle cloning companies to keep their products off the market. For years, they've ignored. One Kansas farmer has already come forward and admitted to openly selling semen from prize-winning clones to U.S. meat producers, while another cattleman says that, "This is a fairy tale that this technology is not being used and is not already in the food chain." This is unacceptable. That's why TrueMajorityAction is demanding that Congress pass a law requiring that all products from cloned animals be clearly labeled.

Tell Congress: Cloned animal products should be clearly labeled.

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