Wednesday, January 16

John Edwards: Viva Nevada!

From CBS

John Edwards touched down in Las Vegas this afternoon for tonight's MSNBC debate and stopped by a local Egg and I restaurant to greet patrons and supporters.

Edwards was asked by reporters if it was acceptable, as the Iraqi defense minister suggested, for U.S. troops to remain inside Iraq until 2018.

"No, it's not acceptable," he said.

"We can't let the Iraqis determine what America's policy should be. I mean that's the responsibility of the President of the United States. And I've said it many times, I'll say it again: The first year that I'm president, I will get all combat troops out of Iraq, end combat missions and make certain there are no permanent military bases in Iraq."

Edwards also addressed the SEIU and Culinary Union endorsements for Obama, which was widely seen as a blow to the former North Carolina senator, who earned SEIU endorsements in several other states.

"They're both great unions," said Edwards. "I think what we know about union endorsements is they work hard for you. All of us candidates are proud to have their support. I think the union support is relatively evenly divided here in Nevada. I've got Carpenters and Steelworkers and Transit Workers. They'll work hard for me."

He also has some new commercials out for South Carolina that are on Newsweek's website.

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