Friday, January 18

Voting Discrepencies in New Hampshire: I Demand a Recount!

Most people don't know that there is a recount for the New Hampshire primary due to a disparity between hand-counted ballots and computer-counted ballots. Democrat Dennis Kucinich and little known Republican Albert Howard have ponied up the bucks to pursue the recount.

Meanwhile, Sean Flaherty sent this note:

The Iowa General Assembly is discussing funding to put in place a statewide system of paper ballots and optical scanners by November 2008. U.S. Rep. Rush Holt's new bill, the Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections Act, would reimburse Iowa for the cost of paper ballot voting systems.

That's a great deal for Iowa, and for all the states that depend on paperless systems and don't have the funds to purchase new equipment. Without new voting systems, tens of millions of votes could be decided by paperless systems this November.

Click here to tell Congress to pass the Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections Act.

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