Tuesday, May 8

Dems War Deadline Moving to July?

It looks like the Dems are listening to the majority of people who want the war to change direction. According to Yahoo News

"House Democratic leaders planned to brief party members Tuesday on new legislation that would fund the Iraq war through July, then give Congress the option of cutting off money after that if conditions do not improve.

If members agree to back the plan as expected, a vote on the new war spending bill could come as early as this week. The proposal, pitched last week by Rep. David Obey (news, bio, voting record), D-Wis., was first disclosed Thursday by The Associated Press.

White House spokesman Tony Snow on Tuesday called the approach "just bad management."
"We think it is appropriate to be able to give commanders what they are going to need, and also forces in the field, so that you can make long-term decisions in trying to build the mission," Snow said."

Speaking of "bad management" USA Today reports
Americans by nearly 2-1 disapprove of the job President Bush is doing, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. He scores a net disapproval rating in every area of the survey, including the economy and terrorism. His lowest ratings — 30% approval, 67% disapproval — were for his handling of the situation in Iraq.

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