Wednesday, May 30

Be Careful of What You Ask For...

In Germany, the asparagus harvest is threatened because they don't have enough foreign workers to harvest the crop.

According to Spiegel International "The problem, say German farmers, is a law pushed through in 2006 which sought to limit the use of seasonal workers from abroad and to increase the number of unemployed Germans working in German fields. Before the law, up to 90 percent of those bringing in the harvest in German fields came from Poland, Romania and other countries in Eastern Europe; the new regulation said the proportion of foreign field laborers should be scaled back to 80 percent."

"Germany's continued unwillingness to open its doors completely to workers from the East means has sent many Polish workers to Great Britain, Holland or Spain, where they are allowed to work and live year round. Those countries have opened their labor markets fully to workers from new European Union members (like Poland) -- whereas Germany just extended its restrictions until 2009. Seasonal laborers can stay in Germany for four months each year.
The Agriculture Ministry has rebuffed such criticism by saying the 2006 law was negotiated with Germany's farmers, and if they need more farm help, they can turn to unemployment offices in their region. Newly released figures show the jobless rate in Germany at 9.1%. In theory, at least, some of those workers could join this year's harvest."

This story has an important lesson for Americans who are afraid that foreign workers will take our jobs.

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