Friday, May 18

Peace is Every Step

If Politicians were really serious about ending the war, wouldn't they rescind the authority to the president for the War? It seems the movement toward ending the war is predicated more on the 2008 election result than bringing the troops home NOW. It is up to us, the public, to challenge that notion. So what can be done?

- Protest every Friday afternoon at 5:15 at the corner of Washington and Clinton Streets

- Bombard Congressman Loebsack's office with mail and/or set up a meeting through his staff to discuss ending the war with the Congressman, Senator Harkin and Senator Grassley's office (although drop-ins are always welcome--until 5 pm--ask the CR 11).

- Sign every petition that is sent your way that is intended to stop the war.

- Support the families who have sons and daughters in the conflict.

- Show up at Memorial Day events.

- Boycott companies that profit from the war. This includes stocks and mutual fund holders. A short list is below: Check out War Profiteers for more or here.


Lockheed Martin

Northrop Grumman

General Dynamics


United Technologies


General Electric

Science Applications International Corporation

- Join with other people to resist the next one.

- Be persistent, be consistent, and don't take "no" for an answer.

- Add your own ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boycott companies that profit from the war.

Would you please post a list or a method for determining who profits?