Thursday, May 17

Is There a Climate Change for Gore?

Al Gore's new book, "The Assault on Reason", is about to drop--but what about his plans for the White House?--inquiring minds want to know.

According to CNN "Former Vice President Al Gore has not "ruled out" a presidential bid in 2008, he told Time Magazine in an interview published Thursday.

But Gore also said he has "fallen out of love with politics" and that he can advance his cause in other ways than the presidency."If I do my job right, all the candidates will be talking about the climate crisis," Gore told Time's Eric Pooley. "And I'm not convinced the presidency is the highest and best role I could play. . . It would take a lot to disabuse me of the notion that my highest and best use is to keep building that consensus."

Yet, when pressed on the prospect of a third presidential run, Gore said, "I haven't ruled it out. But I don't think it's likely to happen."


Anonymous said...

I would vote for Al Gore for Pres.
Let's find out how many people would do the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no one else I would want more!

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with Al Gore on many things. I do think he is right on about the lack of honest and constructive debate and the threat it poses to our democracy. We should immediately start a serious debate regarding the falsehoods and alarmism over the global warming hysteria. What a perfect topic with which to start the habit of good honest debating.