Tuesday, May 15

Workers of the World-- You Whine!

A study released by FDS Research entitled "What Workers Want, A Worldwide Study of Attitudes to Work and Work-Life Balance" reveals that American workers are among the whiningest in the world based on a number of factors, including percentage of workers unhappy with pay, actual income relative to cost of living, percentage of workers who feel work impinges on private life, and average weekly working hours.

The French were first among whiners, Britons and Swedes are tied for second, and followed closely by the United States and Australia. "The UK and US, with their marked competitive individualism and unequal wealth distribution, both appear towards the top of the world's list of whiningest workers," said study leader Charlotte Cornish.

In terms of worker morale, Dutch workers are the happiest, followed by their Thai and Irish counterparts. The lowest morale of all is found in Japan, followed by Germany.

In a 2005 Gallup study, persons with low job satisfaction (whiners) tended to have more health problems.

Perhaps the lesson of both these studies in the US is to eliminate unsatisfying work, as it leads to whining and poor health. Think of the billions we could save by not needing a health care system?

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