Monday, May 14

Pinks Think Iraq War Stinks and So Did the Preemptive Strikes

While out and about on Mother's Day, I couldn't help but notice Code Pink members picketing in front of Congressman Loebsack's office in Iowa City against the war and invoking one of my favorite iron ladies, Julia Ward Howe. Apparently they were also picketing by K-Mart on Highway 6 too.

In unrelated sports news, the progressive gender-balanced softball team, "the Preemptive Strikes," went down to a crushing defeat in our season opener 10 to 2. We think it had to do with the fact that the other team had matching uniforms--and talent. On a positive note, PS pitcher and raconteur, Brandon Ross struck out six in the losing cause. Fresh locally-grown asparagus was had by all.

We will be playing again twice this week and will be unveiling our team mascot "Egalitarian Eagle."

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