Tuesday, May 22

TIF For (Rat-a-tat) Tat: Gun Factory Moving to Iowa

It is not bad enough that the city of LeClaire sold 3 acres of public property for a custom firearms factory to relocate from Illinois to a location across from the Welcome Center in LeClaire,Iowa, but it will receive a $150,000 in TIF to do so. This story from the WQAD

The City Council in LeClaire, Iowa, has cleared the way for a new gun plant.

The council voted yesterday to sell about three acres of city-owned land for $10,000 to Les Baer Custom, which makes high-end custom firearms. The city also agreed to tax-increment financing, up to $150,000.

Les Baer Custom is currently based in Hillsdale, Illinois. The company's owner, Les Baer, says he decided to move his business after Illinois lawmakers proposed a ban on the distribution, sales and manufacture of semi-automatic weapons.

Baer hopes to move into a new building by November and will employ 14 to 18 persons.

More on this story from Gun Guys and the Des Moines Register

And here is some TV coverage.

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