Wednesday, May 30

ICAN, You Can, We All Can

From the good folks at ICAN

Ever felt like your highest values – the common good, stewardship, social justice – have somehow gone missing from mainstream political conversation?

Ever noticed that some pretty extreme ideas now pass for “common sense” with a lot of people? (Like the idea that government can play no positive role in our lives, the idea that free markets solve all problems, the idea that poverty is the fault of poor people…)

If so, you’re not alone. People throughout Iowa are tired of finding themselves trapped in an echo-chamber of extreme ideas, where our views are not heard. To join progressive groups around the state in reshaping the political conversation so that it reflects our values and beliefs, please join us for:

OUR COMMON VALUES-- A workshop led by Iowa Citizen Action Network (ICAN) Thursday, May 31st
3:30 pm
485 Hwy. 1 West

Iowa City ICAN is working with diverse groups throughout the state to put progressive values back where they belong: in the mainstream of political debate.

As the first stage of this work, in the May 31st workshop you will tell us what core values you’d like to see all sorts of great organizations and community groups around the state lifting up in their varied campaigns and struggles. We’ll also look at the role values play in shaping the political agenda – how prior social movements have used values in this way, and more recently how the political right has done so.

For more information, contact ICAN Program Director Phillip Cryan at 515.708.2364, or

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