Saturday, May 19

Leach Possible Replacement For Wolfowitz?

Jim Leach who served honorably, if not always in the interests of less fortunate people, is one of a short list of names being circulated for a replacement for soon-to-be former President of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz. Former Congressman Leach would certainly be a welcome departure from Wolfowitz. However, given the track record of this administration, it wouldn't surprise me for John Bolton or Harriet Meiers to be appointed.

All kidding aside, I can't help but wonder if having a president of this bank who actually had a grasp on the needs of developing nations wouldn't be a better strategy than simply appointing another sycophant of Bush (which, by the way, is why I don't think Jim Leach will get the job). There are some good choices in that realm and if I had my way, this would be my short list based on their understanding of the issues surrounding world poverty.

1) Helene D. Gayle, President and Chief Executive Officer of CARE
2) Charles MacCormack, President and CEO, Save the Children
3) Kofi Annan, Former U.N. Director
4) Bill Clinton

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