Friday, July 6

Where in the World is Bill Bradley?--The New American Story

Former Senator Bill Bradley has a new book out called "The New American Story." It is amazing how quickly politicians fall from grace, but Bill Bradley is a good policy wonk and if you have time to read one book this summer, this is the one--if you have time to read two, the Gore book is worthwhile too. In it, Bradley proposes some ideas that would strengthen our country and will not be likely what we hear from those folks running for "the Office".

For instance, he discusses a plan to strengthen Social Security--remember Social Security--he proposes a plan to move the retirement age to 67 by 2027, provide a $5000 "birthright" benefit to every child born in the US wich would compound interest until retirement. More controversially, he would put new city and state workers into the Social Security system. He offers sound reasons for doing so, but you'll have to pick up the book.

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