Wednesday, July 18

I Missed This and Wish I Hadn't

From the P-C

As Elizabeth Edwards greeted the standing ovation that met her at the hotelVetro, her first words to the audience were, "Less clapping, more talking."
It was an example of her straight-forward politics and sense of humor she brought to her town hall meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, is campaigning for her husband despite her breast cancer relapse.

"I'm convinced that John needs to be president. ... I know he will be president. I'm not a sadist. I would not spit in the fan in deciding how to spend the rest of my days," she said.

During her 20-minute speech and a question-and-answer session before a standing room-only crowd, Edwards addressed her husband's support for reducing carbon emissions, a women's right to choose an abortion, ending the war in Iraq, stem cell research, raising the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour and strengthening Social Security.

She said that he would reduce carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050, which she claimed was the second toughest environmental plan amongst the possible Democratic nominees, and enstate an auctioning program where organizations bid for carbon emission rights.

She said she and her husband strongly support stem cell research.

"In fact, most stem cells are thrown away. ... People need to stop thinking about babies and start thinking about trash cans," she said.

On Social Security, Elizabeth Edwards said her husband wants those of the highest income level to contribute a higher percentage of their wages to social security. More

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