Sunday, July 22

Two Hours and Five Minutes

Apparently Veep Dick Cheney, under the authority of the 25th amendment to the Constitution no less, was acting as president on Saturday for two hours and five minutes while President Bush under went a colonoscopy and polyp removal procedure. The White House reported that Cheney performed "no official acts" in that period of time, but come on, if you had presidential powers, you'd use 'em. At the very least I'm sure Cheney said to his wife, "How does it feel to be sleeping with the president."

On the other hand, he has been running the shadow government, so maybe it was no big whoop?

Or maybe he was unable to do much because Bush ordered the CIA to practice his latest executive order reauthorizing the use "harsh interrogation techniques" on Cheney? It's a little hard to invade a country when you are being waterboarded.

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