Wednesday, July 11

Health Has No Fury

On the light side...sort sincere thanks to P-C opinion page editor Jeff Charis-Carlson for his editing prowess.

Health Has No Fury (Today's Poetic License)

Billions on anti-depressants each year get spent.
So what in the world's making us a "Prozac Nation"?
(Well, OK ... there's climate change, a war without end,
an energy crisis and the Prez's secretive administration.)

Still didn't one of our greatest presidents propose,
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?"
Things on earth could be worse, I suppose,
And, if nothing else, at least I have my health!

But speaking of health, there's been a delay.
Michael Moore's movie "Sicko" has yet to hit town.
Is there some hidden agenda at play?
Or just not enough copies to go around?

Regardless, I worry for the 47 million of those
folks who need health insurance badly.
Because whenever "Sicko" comes, and long after it goes,
The uninsured will still be left without any -- sadly.

Maybe Wellmark should flout its university cynics --
those nonbelievers at the UI College of Public Health --
by offering $15 million to Iowa's free medical clinics.
That'll prove they're only out to help share the wealth.

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