Wednesday, July 18

Dreaming of a Better Tomorrow

As a progressive, I often think of where we could be, if a truly progressive agenda were in place. So here is my summary of what we are missing out on:
1) Our troops in Iraq would be home and relations with foreign countries would be on the mend.
2) All Americans would have access to affordable medical and mental health care (by either a single-payer or hybrid model).
3) Lower income Americans would have a liveable wage and an increase to the earned income tax credit which would lead to a better quality of life.
4) Savings from defense spending would be invested to strengthen borders, increase inspections at ports of entry.
5) Education would address reasons for gaps between high performing and low performing schools.
6) More incentives would be available for renewable energy and mass transportation systems.
7) Social Security would be shored up by savings from defense and a robust economy fueled by new, clean industries.
8) The United States would be in a leadership role to battle the effects of global climate change.
9) State governments would benefit from dependable funding streams for education, roads, and needed economic development projects.
10) Civil liberties would be restored, Guantanamo closed, and rendition programs suspended.
11) Upper income earners would pay their fair share.
12) Environmental issues would be addressed in ways that improve air and water quality.
13) Predatory lending and exorbitant credit card rates would be addressed.
14) Persons seeking union representation would have the ability to do so with all workers who receive benefits chipping in.
15) Human services and housing would be funded at appropriate levels and private/public partnerships would be encouraged that seek to maximize the raising of people out of poverty into sustained employment.
16) Moderate judges would likely be selected to fill vacancies at the district, appellate, and federal courts.
17) Agricultural policies would support the family farmer's interests as well as big agribusiness.
18) Legislation for publicly-funded election would see daylight.

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