Tuesday, July 24

County Auditor Slockett Apologizes and Pleads Guilty to OWI

Johnson County Auditor Tom Slockett today pleaded guilty to drunken driving and issued a public apology.

Slockett announced his guilty plea in a fax to local media outlets:
"Today I entered a plea of guilty to Operating While Intoxicated."In this plea I admitted that on June 10, 2007, I drove after having too much to drink. I made a terrible and irresponsible choice and in doing so placed others, as well as myself, at risk. I take full responsibility for my actions and deeply regret what I did. Today I offer those whom I serve, the people of Johnson County, my most sincere apology.

"As a public official, it follows my failure in judgment is also public, and my hope is that through this admission and apology I can impress upon the citizens of Johnson County the dangers of drinking and driving. I have learned a great deal as a result of this arrest, both about myself and about the dangers of drinking and driving. While I cannot change what happened on (June) 10, 2007, I pledge to do better as a person and never allow this failure to occur again."

I believe Tom Slockett to be a good person who has not used good judgment because of a dependency to alcohol. I hope he is seeking treatment as well as forgiveness.

It is easy to kick a person when they are down, and the public eye is no place for the thin skinned. I respect Tom for admitting his mistake and dealing with the consequences.

1 comment:

Donald Baxter said...

Good person or not, Tom needs to not be driving a car again. I'll be happy to help him choose a nice new bicycle. He'll be healthier for it but i don't suggest riding under the influence.

Donald Baxter