Monday, July 30

Internet Access in Rural Communities

Affordable access to high-speed broadband technology is key for rural communities to educate, develop economically, and generally survive in 21st century America. This is why legislation that guarantees access is so important. the information superhighway needs farm to market routes too, and Dave Loebsack supports it.

He says, "I am committed to providing all of my constituents with access to affordable Internet access. Rural communities have been especially underserved in this area. Technology experts have stated that rural America is missing out on jobs, economic development and civic participation. Laying access cables across remote and often rugged land presents a challenge to providers as well, which leads to the increased service fees."

"There is currently legislation I am a strong supporter of which aims to address this inequity. The Universal Service Reform Act, H.R. 2054, would require all telecommunications companies to pay into the Universal Service fund, regardless of whether it provided service between states. It would also promote the use of broadband technology. Currently, the legislation is being reviewed by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. I also recently voted in favor of H.R. 2419 (Sec. 6103. Enhancement of access to broadband service in rural areas).the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007 which will make broadband telecommunications more accessible in our rural communities. "

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