Monday, July 16

Feingold to Dane101: "Actually, keep your eyes open on Tuesday..."

Wisconsin's own Dane101 has this tidbit re: Senate Filibuster about Iraq troop redeployment

Submitted by Jesse Russell on Sat, 2007-07-14 13:07. Current Politics

I was having coffee with Russ Feingold's number three MySpace friend, Bessie Cherry, at In the Company of Thieves on Johnson Street this afternoon when who should walk in, but Wisconsin's favorite junior Senator. Cherry thought it would be a good time to actually meet her MySpace friend and invited him over to take a look at his page. Feingold smiled and said he can rarely keep up with all of the things happening on the internet.

I showed Dane101 to the Senator and figured I should ask him about the coming troop redeployment in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes to defeat a Republican filibuster and move the vote forward. I intended to ask "what do you plan to do in case of a filibuster?" but the words out of my mouth were "are you going to filibuster?" Thankfully, he seemed to get what I meant and replied:

"Actually, keep your eyes open on Tuesday, we're planning something big and important."
That really isn't all that revealing, but at least we know the Democrats who are for redeployment have something up their collective sleeves.

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