Friday, May 11

Take a Stand with Mothers and Others For A Better World!

Women Take Stand for Better World Group Urges Women to Rise in Global Silence at 1 p.m., May 13

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and as we prepare to celebrate the mothers in our lives we often neglect to recognize the most important mother of all: Mother Earth. On Sunday, May 13 at 1 p.m., thousands of people around the globe will stand together in silence for five minutes in local parks, schools, churches and other gathering places to promote a better world for future generations. The result will be a 24-hour wave of standing to motivate and invigorate others to realize the dream of a better world for all.

Please stand with us for five minutes of silence at 1 p.m. your local time on May 13, 2007, in your local park (In Iowa City this would be College Green Park), school yard, gathering place, or any place you deem appropriate, to signify your agreement with the statement below. We ask you to invite the men who you care about to join you. We ask that you bring bells to ring at 1 p.m. to signify the beginning of the five minutes of silence and to ring again to signify the end of the period of silence. During the silence, please think about what you individually and we collectively can do to attain this world. If you need to sit rather than stand, please feel free to do so. Afterwards, hopefully you and your loved ones can talk together about how we can bring about this world.


The event was conceived by a group of women associated with The Ohio State University. Through their individual travels, they learned that many women have similar concerns about the direction the world is moving in. Inspired by a story written by Sharon Mehdi of Ashland, Oregon, The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering, collectively they decided that it was time to take a stand to make a difference. “We will be standing for the world’s children, grandchildren, and the seven generations beyond them,” says Deb Ballam, one of the event’s originators. “We dream of a better future for all of the world’s children.”

Mehdi, who will be standing with her townsfolk in Ashland, said “It was the women of Ashland who made sure the Grandmother Story got out to the world, and it is the women of Ohio who are bringing it to life. I am filled with gratitude, hope, and awe.”

Jean Shinoda Bolen, a best-selling author shared the Grandmother Story with the Ohio women during a visit to Columbus last fall, and will be standing in the San Francisco Bay area. “Standing in silence with others with the intention of making a difference,” says Bolen, “creates a feeling of peace inside that silently ripples out.”

The event is not limited only to women, however, and many men have expressed excitement in participating. For the last three weeks, Julian Koss of Sarasota, Florida has actively promoted the event in his state. “We’re all obligated to leave for our children and the ‘seven generations to follow’ a better world,” says Koss.

By standing for a moment of silence, participants will recognize the importance for all of the children of the world of issues such as safe drinking water, clean air, food for all to eat, access to basic education, adequate health care and safety from violence.

While the event originated in Ohio, it has become international in scope. The event’s website and promotional materials have been translated into 20 languages to attract participation in this global event. To further promote international participation, thousand of postcards promoting the event were recently distributed at the United Nations’ annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Standing sites in all 50 U.S. states and around the globe are listed on the website and range from large-scale groups of a thousand or more to individual standings. Participants have the option of attending one of the gatherings listed or starting their own. More information on the event including standing sites, promotional materials and registration can be found at

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