Tuesday, May 8

From Iowans for Sensible Priorities

Usually my blog doesn't get a lot of feedback. However, when I get it from an authority, I want to share.

Re: Iowans are Sensible: Do We have Sensible Priorities

Liz Larson, Communications Director of Iowans for Sensible Priorities comments:

"Our polling shows Iowans do have sensible priorities! 62% of Iowans support a shift in wasteful Pentagon spending toward social needs, such as education, health care, renewable fuels research, and deficit reduction. Our hope is that growing grassroots support will convince the powers that be that this long-standing imbalance in the federal budget *must* be corrected!

Thanks for your support!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I regularly point other members of a community organizing group to your posts. Keep up the good work!