Thursday, November 1

Westboro Baptist Church Ordered to Pay Soldier's Family 10.9 Million for Defamation

The Westboro Baptist Church, who picketed the funeral here in iowa City of Kampha Sourivong, and its detestable founder, Fred Phelps were successfully sued in a Baltimore federal court for defaming the family of soldier Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder who died in Anbar Province in Iraq.

A federal jury in Baltimore, Maryland, Wednesday awarded $10.9 million to Al Snyder and the family of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by members of a fundamentalist church carrying signs blaming soldiers' deaths on America's tolerance of homosexuals.

"It's hard enough burying a 20-year-old son, much less having to deal with something like this," he said, recalling that some of the other signs at the funeral included "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "Thank God for IEDs." Watch the fallen Marine's father describe his reaction »

The award includes $2.9 million in compensatory damages and $8 million in punitive damages.

More here.
Legal Complaint here.

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