Saturday, November 3

Iowa Citians, Do Your Thing

The council candidates have done their utmost to inform you about their positions--and probably will be calling you up to election day, just in case. The pro-21 and anti-21 folks have done everything but stood on their heads to sway you to their points of view, as have those who want you to vote yes for the PCRB--but, guess what? How it all turns out rests in your lap.

If you are reading this on Saturday November 3rd, go vote at Hy-Vee on 1st Ave. until 5 pm. On Sunday, you can vote at the Iowa City Public Library until 5 pm. Monday, November 5th you can vote at either the IMU or Public Library from 10 to 5 pm. Finally, if you wait until Tuesday, you can vote at your regular precinct.

Need info on the candidates or issues, go here.

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