Saturday, November 3

The "Other" Charles & Di: The Romance Fizzles

Okay, I'm not a great fan of California's Sen. Dianne Feinstein, but I usually am okay with NY's Sen. Charles Schumer--but no more, after this pitiful decision!

"Feinstein and Schumer said in written statements that, while they were troubled by Mukasey's equivocation, they concluded the former federal judge is the best nominee Democrats could expect from the Bush administration."

According to the Washington Post

The nomination fight over attorney general nominee Michael B. Mukasey effectively came to an end yesterday, as two key Senate Democrats parted from their colleagues and announced their support for the former judge despite his controversial statements on torture.

The orchestrated announcements by Sens. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) virtually guarantee that Mukasey will be approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, to be followed by his likely confirmation in the full Senate later in the month.

The developments mark an important political victory for President Bush, who mounted a spirited and aggressive defense of Mukasey in recent days. They also underscore the pitfalls facing Democrats as the party struggles to stake out an independent policy on national security issues during a presidential campaign season.

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