Sunday, November 4

Edwards' Johnson County Support Mounting

County Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek, County Treasurer Tom Kriz, and County Supervisor Terrence Neuzil are three members of the local John Edwards team, along with SEIU's Sarah Swisher, and folks like myself.

The Press-Citizen story:

Three Johnson County elected officials and a number of other county leaders have been selected to serve on a steering committee for Democratic presidential candidate and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards.

Tom Kriz, Johnson County treasurer and member of the steering committee, said he supported Edwards four years ago and is continuing to work to elect the former North Carolina senator. County Supervisor Terrence Neuzil and Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek also are on the steering committee.

Kriz said he respects Edwards' work on behalf of working Americans, fixing an ailing health care system and ending the war in Iraq.

"I think he has some of the strongest ideas and goals for getting things done," he said.

However, Kriz said his job as an elected official comes first, which is why he can't attend Edwards' speech on Monday morning in the Richey Ballroom of the Iowa Memorial Union.

But, Kriz said he will continue to urge other people to attend.

"We're just glad to get him back in this area more and more," he said. "I think if people just hear him speak, they'll be won over."

Edwards' campaign has said it wants to establish leadership teams in each of Iowa's 99 counties.

Rival Democratic frontrunners Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., also have established grass-roots campaign organizations in Johnson County.

Jenni Lee, a campaign spokeswoman in Des Moines, said the steering committees will recruit precinct captains, organize rural areas, find volunteers and supporters and educate voters on Edwards' positions on the issues. She said the campaign is on track to have the committees in place by Saturday.

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