Saturday, November 10

Time to Get Out the Paper Bag: Recent Vetos and Jim Nussle

Is there a relationship between the recent vetos by President Bush and his newest Budget Director, Jim Nussle? Jim Nussle was brought in with his reputation to work with both Democrats and Republicans and for his fiscal conservativeness, and so far it has led to the veto of the SCHIP bill (a bill supported by the entire Iowa congressional delegation, save Steve King), a veto and subsequent override of a needed water projects bill that would bring relief to drought-stricken areas, and now the farm bill.

Sen. Tom Harkin wants Nussle, to do something about the administration's threat to veto the farm bill. "I'm hoping Mr. Nussle will use his influence to try to bring the White House to a more moderation position," Harkin has said. However it was Nussle's budget office that issued the threat despite the fact that much of the items the administration objects to also was in the House-passed bill.

Meanwhile, Nussle and the President have moderates in the Republican party defecting to support compromises on SCHIP and a labor, healthcare, and education appropriations bill. This while the President will get his $471 billion in Pentagon appropriations.

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