Thursday, November 1

Grassley Frustrated with Bush on SCHIP

It's a good day when I agree with Charles Grassley, a rare day, but a good day...From the Gazette

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, biting off his words in anger, accused President Bush Wednesday of being deceptive in negotiations to salvage a popular children’s health insurance bill for poor children. Grassley said that after months of negotiations, he was shocked that Bush unexpectedly said he cannot condone paying for coverage by the State Children’s Health Insurance Bill with 61-cent per package increase in the federal tobacco tax.

“When you keep moving the goal post, you cannot negotiate in those circumstances,” Grassley said. “They are throwing cold water in my face by moving the goal post.” Bush vetoed a $35 billion bill, saying it was bloated in costs. His veto was upheld. The House passed a more modest bill but not by a margin sufficient to withstand another Bush veto.

Grassley and Democratic and Republican leaders have been negotiating with the White House to find a compromise. Then Bush announced his opposition to the cigarette tax increase. “This is the first time I believe this has come to my attention that this tax issue is an issue with the White House,” Grassley told reporters.

He said negotiators have been able to work with Bush on other objections, but now objections to the cigarette tax increase makes it all “a whole new ballgame. “Maybe it makes negotiations impossible,” he said. “I have been at this for six months and we did not discuss anything but a cigarette tax. The president making it a part of the debate is really a shock to me.”

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