Thursday, November 15

Stunning Conclusion: Solution for Homelessness? Affordable Housing, Employment, Health Care

According to a new Gallup poll released by Fannie Mae (FNM/NYSE) today, more than nine in ten Americans (92%) believe more effort is needed across the nation to address the issue of homelessness, and nearly a third (28%) of Americans indicate they were at one point concerned that they may not have a place to live.

The survey also reveals that 48% of Americans indicate lack of affordable housing is a major cause contributing to homelessness, and 45% believe home foreclosures are a major factor. Also, nearly two-thirds (65%) of Americans believe job loss/unemployment is a major factor contributing to homelessness, while more than half (51%) think that the inability to pay medical expenses is a major contributor.

"It is clear from this poll that Americans are very concerned about homelessness and do not feel enough is being done to address this critical issue." said Stacey D. Stewart, Senior Vice President of the Office of Community and Charitable Giving at Fannie Mae. "There needs to be greater attention directed towards preventing and ending homelessness. Fannie Mae is committed to providing real solutions through permanent supportive housing and has invested more than $4 million in grant funding this year."

Other key findings include:

* A strong majority (58%) of Americans think the number of homeless people is increasing compared to ten years ago and only 6% of Americans believe the nation is doing a very good job in dealing this issue.
* 71% agree that many homeless people could get back on their feet and become self sufficient with proper housing.
* 44% of Americans indicate they have taken in a friend or relative who was facing homelessness had shelter not been provided.

"In our nation's capital, we know all too well the challenges that face our homeless neighbors and have been working hard to provide solutions," said District of Columbia Mayor Adrian M. Fenty. "We applaud Fannie Mae for raising awareness about the issue of homelessness and their commitment to helping solve the problem."

Through Gallup, Fannie Mae also polled people in the eight cities that partnered with the Fannie Mae Foundation to raise awareness and funds through the Foundation's 20th Annual Help the Homeless Walkathon on November 17. This year, the Fannie Mae Foundation's Help the Homeless Program has expanded to include Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. Each of these cities has engaged organizations and civic leaders to help address the unique issues surrounding homelessness in their local communities.

Some key city specific findings include:

* 71% of Seattle respondents believe homelessness in the nation is increasing compared to ten years ago, the most in any of the seven cities.
* 50% of the respondents in the cities believe the inability to find affordable housing is a major factor people might be homeless.
* Over 75% of all the respondents in the cities agree that communities should construct more affordable housing to serve all its citizens.
* 70% of the respondents in Denver and 68% in Boston believe their community is doing at least a good job in addressing homeless issue.

"Homelessness is one of the major challenges facing our nation and we need to do all we can to support the solution of permanent housing," said Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino. "I was pleased to see that Bostonians are personally committed to this cause as 84% of those polled in the city said they would be willing to make a donation to an organization working with homeless people. It is with community involvement, increased federal support, and committed organizations like Fannie Mae that we can make a difference in addressing the issue of homelessness."

The general population survey of 1002 adults was conducted from September 4 through October 17, 2007 with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points. The city specific survey of 3216 adults (approximately 400 in each metropolitan statistical area for each of 8 cities) was conducted from September 4 through October 17, 2007 with a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points.

For more information including the full poll reports, please visit

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