Monday, July 9

Leaving Well (mark) Enough Alone

Wellmark gives 15 million reasons why it is withdrawing its support from the University of Iowa School of Public Health. According to the Gazette The Wellmark Foundation has withdrawn its offer of a $15 million naming gift to the University of Iowa College of Public Health, according to a letter sent to the college's Dean James Merchant.

The letter, to Merchant from Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield Chief Executive Officer John Forsyth, states “...[O]n behalf of the Wellmark Foundation, I am withdrawing the offer of a $15 million gift to the University of Iowa Foundation for use by the College of Public Health. Unless and until there is unwavering support from both the College and University administrative leadership for a major gift as originally solicited by the College's Capital Campaign Committee Leadership, our gift will remain withdrawn.”

College of Public Health faculty on Thursday overwhelmingly rejected the idea of naming their college after Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield with a vote during a closed-door faculty meeting.

But the faculty, and Public Health Dean James Merchant, said they were open to negotiating with the insurance company on a different name, perhaps naming the college after an individual of Wellmark's choosing or after the Wellmark Foundation, a separate, nonprofit entity launched by Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

Merchant said it was the “strong preference” of Wellmark officials that the name be the Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield College of Public Health.

But in their resolution, the college faculty said they could not support naming the eight-year-old college after Iowa's largest insurance provider. They felt it could negatively impact how their research is viewed by peers and the public.

Perhaps the Viagra School of Public Health is still a possibility?

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