Saturday, July 7

Cedar Rapids 20 Occupy Sen. Harkin and Grassley's Offices

Twenty anti-war protesters were arrested in Cedar Rapids for criminal trespass when they occupied the district offices of Senator Harkin and Senator Grassley. With the exception of one protester who was taken to the Linn County jail (and later released on bail), all were cited on the spot and released on their own recognizance.

While protesters were prevented to enter Senator Grassley's office en masse, a representative was allowed by Grassley's staff. Protesters were allowed enter Senator Harkin's office.

Below is the copy of the letter that was delivered to Senator Grassley's office. A similar letter was delivered to Senator Harkin's office.

Dear Senator Grassley:

We are members of the Iowa Occupation Project, a campaign of sustained civil disobedience to end the Iraq War, who were arrested in your offices in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines on February 26 while imploring you to pledge to vote against funding of the criminal war in and occupation of Iraq.

We are deeply disappointed that you did not accede to our request and that subsequently you voted to continue to fund the senseless slaughter that claims more and more lives of Iraqi civilians and of American soldiers. This letter is to offer you another opportunity to get yourself on the right side of history and to meet your basic responsibilities as a senator, a citizen and a human being by pledging to vote against any and all further requests from the president to fund more war in Iraq.

Please sign the enclosed pledge and return it to our Des Moines office before the July 4th recess.

In the event that the pledge is not signed and returned, we will deliver another copy to one or more of your offices in Iowa and wait for your positive response. As was the case of the occupations of your offices in February, we assure you that further occupations will also be nonviolent and be clearly within the confines of the unabridged rights assured in the US Constitution “of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This matter is extremely urgent and we hope to hear a positive response from you immediately. Please feel free to call us with questions.


David Goodner
4649 Running Deer Court NE
Iowa City IA 52245 319-335-0151

Brian Terrell
108 Hillcrest Dr.
Maloy, IA 50836 515-255-8114


I, Senator Charles Grassley, pledge to vote against any further funding requested for the continuing war and occupation in Iraq.



Please return to Brian Terrell, c/o Catholic Peace Ministry, 4211Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312

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