Monday, April 2

Nicotine Hissy Fit? A Real Cold Turkey

Two charged with threatening Iowa House speaker
The Gazette

DUBUQUE - Two men have been charged with making a threatening phone call to Iowa House speaker Pat Murphy related to the recent increase in the state's cigarette tax, officials said today. Joshua Lamey, 20, of Dubuque, and Christopher Aschtgen, 20, of Cascade, are charged with first-degree aiding and abetting harassment.

"Natalie Murphy told Dubuque police the unidentified caller became upset when he learned her father was not available, then started to "share his displeasure" about a proposed $1-per-pack increase for cigarettes in the state's tobacco tax, which has since become law"

"The caller insisted on Rep. Murphy calling him back, then angrily stated to Natalie Murphy, 'You tell him he better call me back or I'm going to rape his daughter!'" the affidavit stated."

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