Friday, April 27

This is What Democracy Looks Like

A story not too many people in the Johnson County area have heard about, including me, is that of Judith Pedersen-Benn. She is an example of what the power of conviction can mean--literally and figuratively. My thanks to Mona at The School for Moral Courage.

Cedar Rapids Peace Activist Judith Pedersen-Benn appeared in the Linn Co. Court House in Cedar Rapids IA Thursday April 26 and plead guilty to the charge of trespass. Pedersen-Benn was arrested in Democratic Congressman Loebsack's CedarRapids Office March 16 while petitioning him to live up to his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq and not vote to continue tofund the war.

Magistrate Judge Jill Ableidinger, the same Judge who earlier preside over the trial of the CR11 accepted Judith's guilty plea and sentencedher to the lowest fine possible under the statute.

About her trial, Judith wrote, "My court appearance today went well. I wore a shirt with Howard Zinn's quote about embodying democracy on it. Interestingly the Judge I had was the same one you all had. She was most sympathetic. I pleaded guilty and she fined me the minimum amount (and said she could not dismiss the fine due to a law prohibiting that). The DA came over to me afterwards and thanked me for my action and told me she admired me for protesting and then pleading guilty. So, all in all it was a GOOD DAY! I'll have to pay $200 in court costs and the fees but I'm feeling like its my contribution toSociety."

Below is a copy of Judith's statement before the Judge at sentencing:

"If I do not act to hold my Representative accountable then I have no claim to Democracy. Democracy exists only when We the People stand up; speak out; and take action. I am proud to have done my part to build and sustain our Democracy by trying to hold Representative Loebsack accountable for his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq. And I encourage others to follow in my footsteps. This IS what Democracy looks like."

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