Monday, April 30

"Wolf" At or Out the Door?

From BBC: Wolfowitz to face Bank directors

Oxfam is the latest body to call for Mr Wolfowitz's resignation Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz is to fight for his job in front of a panel of bank directors.

Mr Wolfowitz will defend himself against accusations that he pushed through a huge pay package for his girlfriend without the Bank's consent. The committee will then report to the Bank's 24 representatives, who will decide on the president's fate.

Mr Wolfowitz has apologised for his actions, vowing to stay on to complete what he called "important work". But a growing army of voices, including his own colleagues and the European Parliament, are calling for Mr Wolfowitz' resignation amid escalating concern the scandal embroiling the former Pentagon number two is damaging the credibility of the global lender.

Reuters adds

World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz said on Monday he would not resign in the "face of a plainly bogus charge of conflict of interest" against him over a promotion he directed for his girlfriend at the bank.

In a statement to a special bank panel looking into whether the former deputy U.S. defense secretary abused ethical and other rules by approving the promotion, Wolfowitz said he was a victim of a "smear campaign" to oust him.

"I do not believe that doing so would serve the interests of the world's poor who are suppose to be the first concern of us all," Wolfowitz said.

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