Wednesday, April 25

Cedar Rapids 11 - Update

From the Daily Iowan

Facing trial for a sit-in at the Cedar Rapids office of U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, 11 peace activists vowed at a press conference on Tuesday to step up their efforts to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

"I was against this war six months before it started … Iraq was not a threat to us, not a threat at all," UI student-protester David Goodner said. "You hear all of this pride and patriotism and hoo-hah after 9/11, and then you realize it's all a ruse."The protesters include a former Catholic priest, two UI students who served in Iraq, Goodner, five additional UI students, a UI employee, and an Iowa City resident. They were arrested Feb. 26 following a planned event at the Republican senator's Federal Building office in Cedar Rapids; the group pledged not to leave until Grassley, who in days prior had voted to cut off Senate debate on a potential troop pullout, communicated with them by phone.

Grassley, who was traveling most of that day, never called. The activists, charged with simple-misdemeanor criminal trespass, will be tried simultaneously today starting at 9 a.m. in the Linn County Courthouse. The defendants will enter joint not-guilty pleas.

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