Friday, April 6

IRAQ: Cauldron of Chaos or Pisspot of Politics

A news story yesterday reported that "in a Rose Garden news conference this week, George Bush disputed that he was becoming increasingly isolated _ even in his own party _ and portrayed himself as a strong leader determined to keep Iraq from becoming a "cauldron of chaos.""

Too late Mr. President. How do I say this...the horse is already out of the barn--or for you, the brush has already been cleared. It is highly unlikely that sending more troops is going to do anything more than add ingredients to the cauldron (as in Shakespeare's MacBeth--Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble).

To the Democrats and Republicans who will not cut off funding to the war, you are complicit in this boiling pot. Don't add more blood of our sons and daughters into the mix.

For those of you who need a place to act on your belief that the war should be ended, if you are in Iowa City, we meet at the corner of Clinton and Washington tonight (and every Friday) between 5:15 and 5:45--you don't even need a sign. And despite my diatribe above, it is actually serious fun!

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